Welcome to the blog.
If you are looking for a place where you can learn about money management, investing and financial independence, then this site is the right one for you.
My name is Brian and I am the founder of this blog that you are currently reading.
Throughout my life, I’ve been looking for ways to make money work harder for me and so I began writing the chronicle of my journey at the age of 24 right where I began my career. Many years have since passed and I have written over a thousand article combined but the learning and passion to continue still remains.
If you are reading this and are inspired to start your own journey, I welcome you to read most of the articles I’ve written including the past to get yourself acquainted with how much efforts are being put in to strive in this journey. Please feel free to contact me ay my link below and I will be most happy to assist.
Warren Buffett quotes it best when he said:
“Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree long time ago”
It is true because the onset of planting a tree takes hard work, efforts and most importantly patience but as time goes by, you’d be able to enjoy the fruits of your hard work.